Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 32Mm Use in Construction

In construction, wherever structures are being built and steel is used, the Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 32mm plays a crucial role. This machine is used to bend steel into specific shapes and lengths according to the requirements of the construction project.

Steel bending is essential for creating various construction materials, and one key application is the production of side bars. In this article, we will explore the features of the Automatic Rebar Bending Machine and its role in making side bars for construction.

Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 32Mm use in construction

Automatic Rebar Bending Machine

An Automatic Rebar Bending Machine is a device used in the construction industry to create variations in steel. This machine bends steel bars of sizes 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, and 32mm according to the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS). It is an automatic electronic machine that operates using alternating current and functions with just a few button presses.

Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 32Mm
Automatic Rebar Bending Machine

what is BBS ?

The Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) is a schedule created according to the drawing of any structure before its construction. This schedule helps in identifying which parts of the structure, such as slabs, rafts, and walls, require specific sizes, lengths, and shapes of steel. The construction team follows the Bar Bending Schedule to prepare the steel accordingly and also to determine the quantity of steel needed.

Automatic Rebar Bending Machine uses

Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 12Mm rings
Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 12Mm

The Automatic Rebar Bending Machine is used to bend steel into various shapes according to the structure’s Bar Bending Schedule (BBS). It is employed for creating different types of steel needed for the bottom of rafts and slabs, as well as for making steel chairs that support the steel placed above the bottom steel. Additionally, it is used to create top variation steel, link bars, and side bars.

what is side bar ?

A side bar is a shape made from steel, mostly using 12mm steel bars. These side bars are placed on both the right and left sides on top of any structure’s slab. They provide stability to the structure during the construction of the side walls after the slab concrete is poured, ensuring the structure’s strength and durability.

side bar use in slab construction
side bar


In conclusion, the Automatic Rebar Bending Machine 32mm is indispensable in modern construction, enabling precise bending of steel according to the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS). This advanced machine facilitates the creation of essential components like side bars, crucial for reinforcing structures during construction. Side bars, typically made from 12mm steel bars, contribute significantly to the stability and durability of slabs by supporting subsequent construction phases. By adhering to the BBS, construction teams ensure that each steel component meets exact specifications, optimizing structural integrity and overall project efficiency. The machine’s automated capabilities streamline production, making it an essential tool in contemporary construction practices.

What is a steel bar bending machine?

A steel bar bending machine is a specialized construction tool used to bend steel bars of different sizes, such as 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, and 32mm, according to specific project requirements outlined in the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS). It operates automatically, driven by electronic controls for precision bending.

What machine is used to bend steel?

In construction, an Automatic Rebar Bending Machine is employed to bend steel bars accurately. This machine operates electronically with AC power, allowing for effortless bending of steel into various shapes as dictated by the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS), ensuring compliance with structural requirements.

How do you bend a steel bar?

Using an Automatic Rebar Bending Machine, steel bars are bent by first setting the desired angle and length on the machine’s controls. The steel bar is then fed into the machine, which automatically grips and bends it according to the programmed specifications, ensuring precise shapes as required for construction purposes.

kriti raj
kriti raj

Meet Kriti Raj: Admin at Techy, author at Ideal Blog Hub, and a seasoned content writer with two years of expertise. With a professional flair and unwavering confidence, Kriti seamlessly navigates the worlds of technology and blogging, captivating audiences with common and general information.


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